Monthly Archives: June 2013

June 11th Sunnyvale Garbage Rate Hike Vote_Council Conflict of Interest?

Courtesy: Pat Meyering Sunnyvale City Council member – Seat 5 

On Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Sunnyvale city council will vote to increase your garbage rates. About 50% of the increase is to fund payment of an added $1,517,500.00 to the garbage company. Some Sunnyvale councilmembers have received financial contributions from the company owner. Subsequently the majority of councilmembers approved payment of the additional $1,517,500.00.

This payment comes while a valid and binding contract between the city and the garbage company, providing for a lower payment is in effect. The city and its residents get nothing in return for transferring the extra money to the councilmembers’ donor. The original garbage processing contract was awarded through a competitive bidding process. The benefits to Sunnyvale residents of using a low bid procedure are being undone by the city council paying more than the originally agreed contract price.  Continue reading