Category Archives: Mason Fong

Influence of Developers and Special Interests-SUNNYVALE City Council Election 2018-WHO TO VOTE FOR?

Courtesy Holly Lofgren


There is no doubt, Sunnyvale has been tremendously influenced by developers and special interests. It is VERY IMPORTANT to elect grassroots candidates who will listen and work for residents. All three recommended candidates have been long time residents of Sunnyvale and have extensive experience serving in different capacities and are supported by individuals who overwhelmingly live in Sunnyvale.

For information regarding campaign spending, please see these informative links:
Part 4 Follow The Money (10/30/18)

  1. Video: Part 4: Follow The Money video plus Eric Krock’s related comments (duration: 5 min 30 sec)
  2. Presentation: Part 4 – Follow The Money slides (PDF)
  3. Funding Summary: 2018 Council Election Funding summary sheet (PDF)  (PNG)
  4. Score Card: 2018 Council Candidate Score Card (PDF)  (PNG)

For information regarding the candidates qualifications, positions and activities, please see these websites of the Sunnyvale City Council Candidates I endorse:

Additionally, the Sunnyvale Sun published an Op Ed from both myself and Andy Frazer outlining why candidate Mason Fong is unsuitable for this public office, dated October 26, 2018.

Opinion Letters to the Mercury News_Mason Fong sent out campaign fliers with false endorsements

Opinion Letters to the Mercury News_Mason Fong sent out campaign fliers with false endorsements


Holly Lofgren
Sunnyvale resident