Category Archives: PAC political donations Sunnyvale

Council Must Be Barred from Voting on Their Donors’ Proposals

Courtesy Pat Meyering, Sunnyvale City Councilmember

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., the city council considers a request by a real estate developer for special rezoning to build very high density, 89-foot tall office towers in two square blocks along N. Wolfe Road, and Arques Ave., 500 feet away from Sunnyvale residences.

The towers will contain ¾ of a million square feet of office space, triple what the current building limit allows.  A City-owned street is being abandoned and the land given to the developer to provide more area to build on.  Nearly 100 million pounds of concrete will be poured, including to build 2541 parking spaces.   160 ‘Heritage Trees’ will be cut down, making a mockery of Sunnyvale’s Urban Forest Plan. Continue reading