VOTE Seat 5: PAT MEYERING Reelect for Sunnyvale City Council

VOTE Seat 5: PAT MEYERING Reelect for Sunnyvale City Council

Factual and powerful, Councilmember Pat Meyering sheds disclosure that many try to silence. Pat has never accepted donations from special interests or developers and believes that Council must be barred from voting on their donors proposals.

CLICK HERE for the article “Why is Pat Meyering being Silenced.”

CLICK HERE for Pat Meyering’s Campaign website.

One response to “VOTE Seat 5: PAT MEYERING Reelect for Sunnyvale City Council

  1. Patrick Meyering is the most honest man on the city council. His voice is loud and clear which doesn’t mean he is rude or angry. Most council members mumble behind their video screens. Patrick votes for slower growth, considering the wishes of the 1300 folks who signed the petition to keep the council from building high condos in the library parking lot.

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