Monthly Archives: August 2013

Sunnyvale Councilmember Jim Griffith Conduct in Question

Sunnyvale Vice Mayor and Candidate Jim Griffith has yet to respond to the allegations that he hijacked the identity and registered .com and .net of his opponent’s  campaign domain name.

Using these web domains Jim Griffith then built fictitious websites to falsely represent Councilmember Candidate Tap Merrick in a malicious manner.

Apparently Jim Griffith, in the past and as well now, has been linked to and is familiar with posting fictitious online content as Tim Risch points out:  Continue reading

Sunnyvale Vice Mayor Jim Griffith accused of identify theft

After learning that Sunnyvale Councilmember and Vice Mayor Jim Griffith may be formally charged with committing a crime of identify theft, outraged Sunnyvale residents are calling Griffith a disgraceful politician and have recommended voting him out of office.

Candidate Tap Merrick approached the Sunnyvale City Council on Aug 13, protesting the unethical identity theft of his name and campaign administered and paid for by Councilmember and Vice Mayor Jim Griffith.

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When the majority on Sunnyvale’s City Council voted to make an added $1,517,500.00 payment to the city’s garbage company, Councilmember Chris Moylan was an enthusiastic supporter. It turns out, Moylan took money from the garbage company.

Before Moylan cast his vote supporting the additional payment of city money to his garbage company donor, he had also voted to approve an unusual development agreement, with the city’s downtown developer.

Turns out Moylan also took money from the developer. The unusual development agreement allowed Moylan’s donor/ the developer/ to avoid the standard requirement of purchasing and posting an overall performance bond. Such a bond is a guarantee from a third-party (usually a bank or an insurance company) that money needed to complete a specified project will be paid if the contractor fails to fully perform.  Continue reading

Sunnyvale Residents at risk by Cupertino Village High-Density Project

Courtesy:  Holly Lofgren  – Sunnyvale Resident/Community Activist/Nonprofit Professional


Sunnyvale’s residents are deeply concerned about high-density overdevelopment  on the city’s border with Cupertino.

Cupertino’s  Planning Commission intends to give a building permit to Kimco Realty for further  developing a shopping mall directly beside Sunnyvale residential neighborhoods.  Continue reading