Category Archives: Sunnyvale City Council Election

Influence of Developers and Special Interests-SUNNYVALE City Council Election 2018-WHO TO VOTE FOR?

Courtesy Holly Lofgren


There is no doubt, Sunnyvale has been tremendously influenced by developers and special interests. It is VERY IMPORTANT to elect grassroots candidates who will listen and work for residents. All three recommended candidates have been long time residents of Sunnyvale and have extensive experience serving in different capacities and are supported by individuals who overwhelmingly live in Sunnyvale.

For information regarding campaign spending, please see these informative links:
Part 4 Follow The Money (10/30/18)

  1. Video: Part 4: Follow The Money video plus Eric Krock’s related comments (duration: 5 min 30 sec)
  2. Presentation: Part 4 – Follow The Money slides (PDF)
  3. Funding Summary: 2018 Council Election Funding summary sheet (PDF)  (PNG)
  4. Score Card: 2018 Council Candidate Score Card (PDF)  (PNG)

For information regarding the candidates qualifications, positions and activities, please see these websites of the Sunnyvale City Council Candidates I endorse:

Additionally, the Sunnyvale Sun published an Op Ed from both myself and Andy Frazer outlining why candidate Mason Fong is unsuitable for this public office, dated October 26, 2018.

Opinion Letters to the Mercury News_Mason Fong sent out campaign fliers with false endorsements

Opinion Letters to the Mercury News_Mason Fong sent out campaign fliers with false endorsements


Holly Lofgren
Sunnyvale resident

SEAT 2 VOTE JOSH GROSSMAN for Sunnyvale City Council

PLEASE make your voice heard and VOTE for JOSH GROSSMAN on Nov. 6th.

Josh Grossman is a Technology Executive and Attorney looking for Innovative solutions for tough problems such as Sunnyvale traffic, balanced growth, reducing Airplane noise, and protecting mobile home parks. Most importantly, Josh has not accepted donations from Political Action Committee PACs or Developers. Why is this important? PACs are political committees organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. Most PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests. Josh promises to make independent decisions on behalf of, and for Sunnyvale Residents.

VISIT: Continue reading

SEAT 1 VOTE Henry Alexander III for Sunnyvale City Council

VOTE for Henry Alexander III, SEAT 1, Sunnyvale City Council on November 6, 2018! Raynor Park Resident and Advocate, Henry has not accepted donations from Political Action Committee PACs or Developers. Why is this important? PACs are political committees organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. Most PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests. Henry promises to make independent decisions on behalf of, and for Sunnyvale Residents.

See why so many Sunnyvale Residents are saying “I’m with Henry!”

Henry has raised his family in Sunnyvale and cares about your quality of living. Henry’s contemplative, informed approach, based upon his foundation of experience makes him the BEST CHOICE for SEAT 1 City of Sunnyvale Council. Furthermore, he has not accepted donations from Political Action Committee PACs or Developers, which will allow him to continue making independent, wise choices for Sunnyvale issues at hand and coming soon.

Continue reading

VOTE for Seat 7: MICHAEL GOLDMAN_City of Sunnyvale Council Election 2016

We were thrilled to learn of Michael Goldman’s Candidacy for the City of Sunnyvale Council 2016 Election and highly recommend that you VOTE for Seat 7: MICHAEL GOLDMAN on NOVEMBER 8, 2016.

Michael’s demonstrated dedication, experience, and leadership skills have consistently proven his intelligent integrity with his responsive voice, responding to the City of Sunnyvale’s ever-changing critical issues  – Affordable housing, worsening traffic and environment, growth and congestion in Sunnyvale, rising sea levels, preserving parks and open space, improving Libraries and quality of living concerns.

Michael Goldman is a 25-year resident of Sunnyvale, former software engineer, and community advocate.

Michael Goldman and Family, City of Sunnyvale

Michael Goldman and Family, City of Sunnyvale

His informative past research, publishing, and insights can be located at Citizens for Sunnyvale Parks & Green Spaces and Cal Pensions in Brief Blogspot. Michael’s intelligent integrity participating as a Councilmember will be the balanced, insightful and reasonable voice that the residents need today.

Like many, Michael has become frustrated with a City Council that ignores the needs of it’s residents and bends to the will of special interests. The issues of concern are finishing the downtown, solutions for worsening traffic and  crowded schools, and respectfully preserving the Sunnyvale parks and open space. Michael campaign states: “We need to expand the library, City Hall, Police and Fire facilities with realistic, cost-effective ways to build on what we have, not grandiose plans made by selling off our parks and green spaces to the highest bidder. Our population increases but infrastructure does not.” The lack of progress in finishing the downtown, worsening traffic, crowded schools, grandiose plans for the Civic Center, the lack of local branch libraries.

VOTE for Seat 7: MICHAEL GOLDMAN City of Sunnyvale Council on NOVEMBER 8, 2016.

CLICK HERE to read Michael’s platform and issues.

CLICK HERE for Special Interest Watch (Campaign Donors and Donations)

CLICK HERE to read Citizens for Sunnyvale Parks & Green Spaces Blog.

CLICK HERE to read Cal Pensions in Brief Blogspot.

Andy Frazer is the best candidate for Sunnyvale City Council Seat #1

Candidate Andy Frazer is running for Sunnyvale City Council, Seat #1. Andy Frazer is a knowledgeable, sensible, grounded, thoughtful, insightful and intelligent engineer and active community leader, who also has a brilliant esthetic eye as a photographer.

Quite frankly, to me, Andy’s ingenuity and mindset reminds me of Twitter and Square Silicon Valley Founder and billionaire Jack Dorsey who is a distributing leader of ideas, shared purpose, strong vision and value leadership.  Continue reading

Open Letter from Candidate Steve Hoffman Sunnyvale City Council Seat #2

Open Letter from Candidate Steve Hoffman Sunnyvale City Council Seat #2:

Dear Sunnyvale residents – Following are some questions I was asked today by a Sunnyvale resident, together with my answers.  Please forward to your friends and neighbors.

1) What are your thoughts about what to do with Butcher’s Corner?

The new owner of Butcher’s Corner is a developer called John Vidovich.  He does not live in Sunnyvale.  He has spent thousands of dollars to support my opponent Glenn Hendricks ($3,000 so far).  To put this amount in perspective, it is about 50% more than my entire campaign has spent.  This assumes that the time of my supporters (all of whom are resident and not members of any special interest group) is worth nothing, which of course it is not.  Although Mr. Vidovich’s donation to Glenn Hendricks is not illegal in Sunnyvale, if this was a Federal Elections, then it would be illegalContinue reading

Steve Hoffman is the best candidate for Sunnyvale City Council Seat #2

Candidate Steve Hoffman is running for Sunnyvale City Council Seat #2 for the benefit of the residents of Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale does not have Districts; therefore, voters will vote for each seat on the ballot (Seat 1, 2 and 3).

Steve Hoffman is a bright, patient, articulate, knowledgeable, solution-oriented and most importantly – an accessible man who demonstrates ethical behavior with integrity.  In fact, he has been attending the Sunnyvale City Council meetings for years providing public comments and offering brilliant suggestions to benefit the citizens of Sunnyvale.

CLICK HERE to read a wonderful letter from long-time Sunnyvale resident Jean Lee’s “Letter to the Mayor” to understand why Steve Hoffman is recommended as the best candidate to serve and guide Sunnyvale into the future.  Continue reading

Tap Merrick is the best candidate for Sunnyvale City Council Seat #3

Tap Merrick is running for Sunnyvale City Council Seat #3 for the benefit of the homeowners in Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale does not have Districts, therefore, voters can vote for each seat on the ballot (Seat 1, 2 and 3).

One of the strongest qualifications that Tap Merrick has, above his opponent Jim Griffith,  is a highly skilled financial background.  Tap holds a MSBA in finance and a BA in business administration, cum laude. He also has an extensive educational experience in public finance. Continue reading

Sunnyvale Candidate Jim Griffith accused of identify theft_ Campaign Domain

Oct 8, 2013 – Sunnyvale Resident Michael Goldman addressed the City Council regarding Candidate and Vice-Mayor Jim Griffith’s alleged illegal cybersquatting domain registration falsifying his opponent’s Tap Merrick’s identity in an attempt to mislead and defraud voters. Goldman lists a series of violations including Political Cybersquatting, CA’s Political Cyberfraud Abatement Act PCAA (cause a person to believe that a political website has been posted by a person other than a person who posted the website), CA Business and Professions code, and more.

Sunnyvale City Council Oct 15 Candidate Forum now available on-line

The video from Oct 15, 2013 City of Sunnyvale City Council Candidate Forum is now available on-line at:

Sunnyvale does not have Districts per each Council Seat. Therefore, voters will have the opportunity to vote for each of the three seats City of Sunnyvale Council Election 2013. Continue reading